Write a Script for You to Star In (Free Quiz)

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Free Guide, PARTNER
United States
If you want to write a script for you to star in, but you…
πŸ€” Wonder if your idea is good enough
😡‍πŸ’« Tried to write on your own but got stuck
πŸ™‡‍♀️ Can’t decide which idea to move forward with or
➑️ Have no idea how to get started
Sundance Award-winning actress, Emily Grace, can help you discover your Screenwriting Superpower.
She's helped over 200 actors write a short film that they’re proud of and can star in.
Her brand new quiz will help you identify your edge as a screenwriter—and how to use it to create your own stage.
The BEST way to open the door to the kind of roles you should be playing, is to write a project that showcases your unique acting strengths.
But how do you get started?
And how do you get your script to the finish line?
Without a step-by-step process, it can feel overwhelming 🀯
But it doesn’t have to be.
Take the 60-second quiz and learn the exact next steps to take to:
🎭 Create 3-dimensional characters
πŸ‘¨‍🎀 Tailor this role to yourself
πŸ’ͺ Or add 3-act story structure to make your idea as powerful as possible
You’ll receive a customized step-by-step plan based on your strengths (instead of a one-size-fits-all solution).
And the best part? It’s completely free.
Ready to discover your screenwriting superpower so you can finally write your damn script?